Sunday, May 5, 2013

Social Platform Announces new President and Management Committee‏

Press release: April 25, 2013, Brussels

Social Platform announces new President and Management Committee

Following Social Platform’s Annual General Assembly, representatives of the 45 members elected Heather Roy as President of the largest European platform of social NGOs in Europe. A new management committee was also elected for the next two years taking effect from April 25.

Heather Roy replaces Mr Conny Reuter who has stepped down after serving the maximum term as President.

Said Ms Roy, I’m excited to have the opportunity to serve as Social Platform President and to both capture and represent the voice of people through the contribution of members - who work with, and for, the citizens of Europe every day. I look forward to working collectively with all 47 members in guiding the political and strategic goals of Social Platform in an inclusive and ambitious way”.

Heather has many years of experience working with the Platform having served as Vice President for the previous 2 years and another 2 years as a management committee member. She also Chaired the working group on Social Policy. Heather has represented the Platform at various levels including in several informal EPSCO Councils, the European Council, the European Parliament, and the European Commission.

Externally our environment is possibly the most challenging in years.  The democratic deficit apparent in economic governance is creating greater fragmentation and disengagement in our societies, giving rise to increasingly complex exclusion, discrimination and withdrawal from traditional forms of participation. It is more important than ever for Social Platform to represent the voice of the social sector and to engage with EU political actors on behalf of citizens and its members.” said Heather Roy.

As President of Social Platform whose mandate comes to an end after three terms I leave it now to my successor to lead the Platform in these turbulent times. I was proud to have the trust and mandate of the members and as a representative of Solidar I will stay involved and work with Social Platform for securing a more social Europe Mr. Conny Reuter, Secretary General, Solidar.

The new Management Committee will comprise of:

President Heather Roy
Vice President Claire Roumet
Vice President Rodolfo Cattani
Treasurer Michel Mercadié
Member Jana Hainsworth
Member   Barbara Helfferich
Member   Brigitte Triems 


Notes to Editors:

Two new memberships to Social Platform were approved at the General Assembly on April 25, 2013 bringing our numbers to 47 - Volonteurope and EUROCARERS.
New Management Committee

·       Heather Roy is currently Secretary General of Social Platform member Eurodiaconia
·       Claire Roumet is currently Secretary General of Social Platform member CECODHAS Housing Europe
·       Rodolfo Cattani is currently Secretary of the Executive Committee of Social Platform member EDF, the European Disability Forum
·       Michel Mercadié is currently Honorary President of Social Platform member FEANTSA, the  European Federation of National Organisations working with the Homeless
·       Jana Hainsworth is currently Secretary General Social Platform member Eurochild
·       Barbara Helfferich represents Social Platform member EAPN, the European Anti Poverty Network
·       Brigitte Triems represents Social Platform member EWL - European Women's Lobby

About Social Platform

The Platform of European Social NGOs (the Social Platform) is the alliance of representative European federations and networks of non-governmental organisations active in the social sector, promoting social justice and participatory democracy by voicing the concerns of its member organisations. The Social Platform and its members are committed to the advancement of the principles of equality, solidarity, non-discrimination and the promotion and respect of fundamental rights for all, within Europe and in particular the European Union.

For more information visit

For more information please contact:

Alison Coleman
Communications Officer
Social Platform
T: +32 2 508 16 32 

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