Friday, November 14, 2014

Journal Social Services and Social Policy - "Social Journalism Award" 2014, given by the Foundation Ineprodes Group‏

Dear colleagues,

I am glad to inform you that our scientific journal Social Services and Social Policy has been recognized with the "Social Journalism Award" 2014, given by the Foundation Ineprodes Group. The award ceremony will be held on November 11th.  Kindly, find more information on the Social Journalism Award on the following link
The editorial board of the journal would like to thank all the Social Work Professional Associations, especially those who are already subscribers, for your support. We are deeply grateful to all professional associations because the work of the journal would not have been possible without their cooperation.  Thanks to their contributions, the journal features experiences and researches of each Autonomous Community, and the professionals’ members have access to the printed scientific journal with the largest circulation in Spain.
We also gratefully acknowledge the contributions of the colleagues from other Journals on Social Work, writers, members of the Scientific Committees Advise, and in general to all of you who collaborate in the Journal.  The success of the Journal is a reflection of all your work.

Warm regards,

Ana I. Lima Fernández / Carmen Verde Diego
Revista y Publicaciones – CONSEJO GRAL. TRABAJO SOCIALPremio IMSERSO al Mérito Social 2010 Cruz de Oro de la Orden Civil de la Solidaridad Social 2011 (MSPSeI)C/ San Roque, 4 Local 2. – 28004 MadridTel: (+34) 91 541.57.76-77 consejo@cgtrabajosocial.es

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