Thursday, November 5, 2009


ITEM 1. BASW Rally in London 12 November 2009

More details at the home page gives a link to a paper on the proposals for the College of Social Work, which BASW is lobbying for, details of a recent Panorama programme about child protection social work, and about the Rally.

ITEM 2 Launch of the UNICEF study on Children in Immigrant Families in Eight Affluent Countries

Today the UNICEF Innocent Research Centre has issued a study Children in Immigrant Families in Eight Affluent Countries (Australia, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States) which presents a picture of children in immigrant families, based on the first-ever available internationally comparable statistical information about these children in the countries reviewed. The study provides detailed data on the situation of these children across a broad range of dimensions, such as family composition, educational background and working status of parents, housing conditions, school and labour market participation and poverty status. For each of the eight countries, the living circumstances of children in immigrant families are compared with those of children from native families.
The author of the UK study is Heaven Crawley from Swansea University.

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child turns 20 this November. It has been adopted by nearly every country in the world and underpins our work protecting children's rights.
Find out how UNICEF upholds the Convention

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